A synthesis of the past and the present: Hamburg’s “Galerie1565”
State-of-the-art lighting technology for one of Hamburg’s oldest houses: The “Bornemannsche Haus” in Hamburg-Harburg, dating back as far as 1565, has been extensively renovated and also received a new lighting control system in the process. The quaint half-timbered house now houses an art gallery, the “Galerie1565”. AIMOTION was able to play its part in ensuring that both the historic walls and the contemporary works of art are now presented in the right light following the renovation. At the end of 2023, the building was awarded two monument prizes.
Products used:
Flush-mounted Universal Dimmer (Art.1073)
Plug & Play Dimmer (Art.1002B)
Mini-Sensor (Art.1016W)
Switch 55 (Art.1052UB)
Xpress (Art.1008B)
Photos: Galerie 1565